Saturday, February 6, 2010


I can't believe a havn't posted for 4 months!! I guess ya'll can label me as a terrible blogger

there are a few things i wanted to put on here about myself in case some of you don't know me already.

I am a Child of our wonderful Savior Jesus Christ

I am 12 years old and i will be 13 on th 21...i can't waite!!

I have been blogging 2 yrs this summer.

I have 5 are some pics of them...

( So that you know...we adopted 3 children from Liberia, Africa 2 and a half years ago)

This is Tyler, my big brother. he is 15 and is the BEST in the world!!! He talks to me about my strugglese and gives the BEST idvice.

thought i wold through in a recent pic. of me .....even though i am not my sibling...

This is Kate...she is 8 year old and is such sweet girl for God! She is AlWAYS thining
about others before herself!! I love her!

this is 7 year old brother. he has about the tenderest heart you could imagine...he also loves his Savior Jesus.

This is Ellie, She is 5 years old and she is sooo cute!!!
I will have to tell you Ellie's story some time...but for now, let's just say

She is a walking miracle from God.

Thsi is Samuel, he is 4 and he is was Joseph's biologicacl brother in Liberia. He is very sweet and he has a wonderful heart.

soooo...those are my sibs, hope you enjoyed "meeting" them!!!

Here is a sneek peek of one of my next posts.....

Pictures taken by my mom

In Christ...

1 comment:

The Kendalls said...


It was great to see you and your family this week.
Your little siblings are so precious. Every time I saw one of them they made me smile. Please tell little Kate, I missed her today and I hope that she gets better soon. Also I didn't get a chance to pass on to Tyler that I appreciated his remarks made yesterday and today at lunch. It took courage to say what he did in the context of what we were talking about. It did not go unnoticed and I wanted to thank him. May you have a blessed Lord's Day tomorrow...

Rom. 8:1